Feb 14, 2007

Exercise time!

It sure was about time to check out how the Chinese athletes are doing. Since I didn't bring my sport shoes here, and it is impossible to find a pair in my size, I had to bring my 9.99,- RMB slippers. Though not ideal for the task, I think they did a lasting impression on my fellow comrades, even if they didn't believe me when I said it was the latest from the catwalk in
Europe. (What a stupid foreigner...)

Together with another sudent, Brandon from Australia, I signed up for a "Body-Pump" class.
Our instructor was a cool dude, that pushed us through 45 minutes with intence "pumpin".
I did the classic mistake here, which I kind of knew from earlier sessions. That was: way to much weights. Feels like no problem at all when you lift it a couple of times, but when it's countless repetitions, it's an hole different story! I some how felt like I had to show these Chinese people what we Europeans are made of. In short: It was probably a childish-man thing, and the chinese athletes are in great shape, so so with the guy writing this..
(I guess thats the reason why I haven't been posting anything lately, basically I have been feeling like an old man...)

By the way, body pump was just the same thing as back home, maybe there are some international standards? If there are, I'm pleased to say that China is
(at least in this issue:-) following them.
Well...in the pet store I went to the other day, they where at least not following my standards. Quite a sad thing this, to see how they treat animals in general. In the small cage on the picture, they had probably stuffed in more than 50 small birds. Still I haven't been to a zoo here, it will be too much of a depressing sight I believe..

Anyways....Chinese New Year a.k.a. Spring Festival is soon here, which is the most important holiday for most chinese pople. The climax is reached on the 17th. when it shifts to a new year --> according to the chinese lunar cycle. I'm going to my friend's home village outside Ningbo (between Hangzhou and Shanghai). I'm warned that there aren't any reataurants or hotels there, and really poor. -So i definetely look forward to that!


Anonymous said...

Hei Arve!

Her kommer det en liten hilsen fra det kalde nord og Sogn hvor snøen (endelig!?) har kommet! Kul blogg! Det høres ut som du virkelig koser deg, og jeg ser også at du har tatt fatt på mikroøkonomien og anvender den i praksis:)
Kos deg videre!

Hilsen Linn Therese

Arve said...

Hei Linn!

Alltid hyggelig med hilsener fra det snødekte hjemland!

Økonomien har vel blitt en smule forsømt tror jeg..men jeg tar iallefall med meg mine observasjoner hjem til samfunnsøkonomisk institutt. Og satser på at kunnskap fra felt blir høyt verdsatt:-)

Satser på at alt bare står bra med til deg der hjemme!

Anonymous said...

Hey, its good to see you're still up and about in Hungzhou. You got a nice assortment of pictures HAHA.

You probably don't remember me. I'm Omar from Gaungzhou...like half a year ago at the train station?

Just found your site.

Good luck to ya,

Arve said...

Hi there Omar!

Cool to hear from you! That was a true mayhem at the trainstation there I remember..
I assume you got safely home to?

I have returned to HZ after 3 months back home, just starting to get a got grip of the language again. How are you? any new travel plans?

Cheers Arve

Anonymous said...

Yeah got home thanks to you getting me a ticket out of Guangzhou
As for travel who knows, maybe come back to China and finish seeing the parts I didn't get to see. Learn some Mandarin while there HAHA.

Who knows man...who knows.
I'll keep checking your blog!

Halvor said...

Finaly you got your own slippers! Hehe. Make sure to bring them home, you know what I mean...

Whats up with the bikes?

Anonymous said...

Hei på deg Arve
Deg er det vanskelig å få tak i :-)
Så kul side du har laget.Så du har begynt på body pump he...he. Det er bra du har det bra. Jeg har tatt fagbrevet mitt å er nå endelig frisør.
Du får kose deg masse

God klem fra Gina

Arve said...

TIL Gina: Grattis med fagbrevet! Supert asså, betyr det at jeg må begynne å betale for klippen?

Halvor: Dette med syklene ja, litt kompliserte greier dette her. Men vi må holde all info konfidensiellt:-) Dine penger er iallefall benyttet på veldedige formål -> les øl

Anonymous said...

Hei hei lurte på når du kommer hjem?