Feb 3, 2007

And finally the sun is back!

The spring has come to Hangzhou, at least from
a Norwegieans point of view. And this is what
HZ is all about for all the chinese tourists coming
to the city. --> WEST LAKE
And the sun is finally back, we haven't seen
it for 2 weeks.

Celebrating Henriks birthday (the danish guy to the left)
As most danish people he has a strong appetite for beer!

Nahh..I don't really know this guys, but from their
expression I can sure tell they were lovely people..
(This guys were actually from Japan, which is a
fact you don't really want the Chinese to know.
So first they said they were from Singapore....
and then the truth came for a day. Most Chinese is
indeed not very friendly to Japanese, more on
that thing later....)